Archive for the ‘Scooter Covers’ Category

Keeping Warm

February 23, 2013 2:33 pm
posted by Vivian

Getting cold on a ride is not much fun.  Trying to have enough clothes on is definitely a task.  You often layer and by the time you are through you can feel so bogged down you can’t move, let alone be comfortable.  The alternative is worse.  Here is something you may want to think about.  It is warm small to carry when not is use and is easy to dry if it gets wet.  What a great addition to your scooter cover to keep you warm.

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Save Time To Ride

January 27, 2013 2:24 pm
posted by Vivian

sc-maxiI know this weather has many of you really frustrated.  One day it is warm and then it turns extremely cold.  When it is warm you want to ride and get out of the house.  Then the weather changes and the bike sits.  So when it turns warm again you you have to clean the bike and get ready to ride.  So much wasted time.  Why not get your bike a scooter cover?  It will give you the protection from the elements and save you time when you want to just get out.

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Take The Cover Off

January 10, 2013 10:57 am
posted by Vivian

sc-maxiIt is time.  Take the scooter cover off the bike.  It is time to dust things off.  You need to clear the cobwebs off the bike, and out of your mind.  It is time to clear everything off, to get out, breath the fresh air.  Let the wind blow on your face, feel the sunshine and the warmth.  Empty your mind of all the pressure,  feel the calmness of just the ride.  Let the energy of the road and ride fill you with the alertness of what is around you .

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Covers For Comfort

May 5, 2012 2:06 pm
posted by Vivian

The weather being so unpredictable lately because of the heat.  We have had a chance of showers every day.  I always keep my all weather motor scooter cover with me to cover the bike just in case is rains.  The cover is not only for the rain. It protects against the heat, dust and salt from the sea air as well.  Now I can get on the bike, sit comfortably and ride instead of having wiping it down first.  Or trying to find shade.

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Extra Time For Riding

March 17, 2012 7:21 pm
posted by Vivian

Spring is here.  So is the pollen.  It just started to get bad within the last few days.   I have had to spray off my car every time I have had to use it.  It is a good thing I have my scooter cover on my bike.  You cannot imagine how much time I have saved myself by having it on, from washing the pollen off and then wiping off the water from the chrome.  That means more time for riding.

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Protection And Safety For you and your Scooter

March 2, 2012 2:00 pm
posted by Vivian

Whatever you ride, you are always exposed to the elements.  You always keep your rain gear with you to protect you, and keep you dry from rain or sleet.  But what about your bike?  Keeping it dry when not in use is essential for overall safety to you.   There are all weather protection covers for your bike that you can get that are good covers with their own carrying pouch that you can have with you without taking a lot of space.

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Protection for your Scooter

February 14, 2012 2:31 pm
posted by Vivian

It seems there are a lot of scooters out on the road today.  They are inexpensive to drive and maintain and easy to handle.    They are a great way to get around town without spending a lot of money on gas.  Having a scooter cover for it is a good way to protect your scooter from the elements especially if you don’t have a garage to keep it in.   Isn’t it nice to have your scooter ready to ride whenever you are.

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Scooter Covers and Damp Weather

January 13, 2012 4:31 pm
posted by Vivian

Nothing to do today?  It really isn’t a good day to do anything outdoors like yard work or washing the car.  Maybe just staying in watching the television and eating popcorn is just the ticket.  All the movies on the television you have seen at least once or twice. You could go rent a movie from the store down the road.  No sense in taking the car, there is a break in the clouds take the scooter cover off and go.

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Get Up and Go With Scooter Covers

January 1, 2012 9:31 am
posted by Vivian

Happy New Year to all.

After getting over the late night festivities it is time to get out and visit friends.  Lets get the scooter out.  First we have to wipe off all the moisture.  You don’ want a wet seat or hands slipping on the throttle.  Time consuming.  Well there goes another hour before you are ready.  Scooter Covers  are the way to go.  Just take it off and you are ready to go.  Now all you have to think about is where to go first and how to spend you day.

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