Save Time To Ride
I know this weather has many of you really frustrated. One day it is warm and then it turns extremely cold. When it is warm you want to ride and get out of the house. Then the weather changes and the bike sits. So when it turns warm again you you have to clean the bike and get ready to ride. So much wasted time. Why not get your bike a scooter cover? It will give you the protection from the elements and save you time when you want to just get out.
Something To Start With
Those of you who have scooters know that unless you have the hard bags, there really isn’t enough room to carry a lot . The hard scooter bags are a bit pricey. If you are looking for something just to get you started and stylish, this metal basket maybe just what you need. You can carry the small items in one place. And with a fixed installation you don’t have to worry that your bungee cords are coming loose and your basket falling off.
Looking Back
Ever looked at a set of motorcycle saddlebags and it reminded you of something . A blast from your past. A situation you were in or something that changed what or where you were? Have you ever heard of the term never look back? Sure you have. We all have. Everybody does look back. To see their accomplishments, their failures, to see how far they have come in their life. I believe that everything happens for a reason and things are already planned out for us. We just have to have faith. It will come together.
Change It Up
Face it, we are all individuals. We all have our tastes, looks, and ideas at to what looks good. The same is true as to which preference we have in the bike we ride. Some like cruising, some like speed, some like economical. That is why there is so much to choose from and why we have so many choices as to how we can change things. Use your motorcycle saddlebags to turn your bike into a cruiser when you need one
Organize Yourself
Everyone likes to be organized. Knowing where things are and getting to the them easier makes our life easier. At least for me anyway. I have a lot of bins labeled with things and I also like to have different bags packed with things as well. This small scooter bag is perfect for this. I like to keep this bag packed with things I would use for an overnight trip. I will pack an extra toothbrush and paste, small shampoo bottle, vitamins and other toiletries. Plus a change of clothes. Perfect to grab and go.
Time For The Beach
It is time to get out. I am tired of being in the house. The weather is great sunny and warm. Let’s check out the scooter. Tires are ok, oil checks out, it needs a bath, very dusty. Give the scooter a bath wipe it down dry and set the scooter bag on the back packed with a towel, a good book, extra shoes, water and a change of clothes. Get dressed. Now you are ready. Get on the scooter go to the beach, find yourself a secluded spot and just chill.
Take The Cover Off
It is time. Take the scooter cover off the bike. It is time to dust things off. You need to clear the cobwebs off the bike, and out of your mind. It is time to clear everything off, to get out, breath the fresh air. Let the wind blow on your face, feel the sunshine and the warmth. Empty your mind of all the pressure, feel the calmness of just the ride. Let the energy of the road and ride fill you with the alertness of what is around you .
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